Saturday, January 8, 2011


During the winter months I don't have my garden zucchini to use as a low calorie
chlorophyll veggie. With fruits and berries they don't have any taste so I always use them as my first choice. But around Thanksgiving I run out and switch to
pumpkin. The drawback on them is the thick skin must be removed and it is lots more work. I do a whole pumpkin and then store it in a tupperware and it lasts about
a week using some everyday. Pomegranates also are in season right before Christmas and love their taste but they are work also.

Plop the Ningxia berries, spinach, cup up apple, cup up orange ,kefir and protein powder in the blender. Then in the Champion I juice the celery, fresh raw ginger and pumpkin -pouring it into the blender and whiz

1/2 c ningxia berries soaked over night (use all the liquid)
1 T protein powder (Im using 1/2 Whey and 1/2 Hemp)
1/2 c flavored kefir (beginners get 3/4 a cup)
1 apple
1 orange
1 t. chia seeds
1 handful of spinach
1/2 t cardamom
1/2 t ginger
1/2 t Cinnamon
1/2 t nutmeg
1 stalk of celery
1 to 2 inch fresh ginger (start with 1 inch and see how strong you like it)
2 cups about pumpkin
This makes about 14 oz I make it into breakfast and a lunch

3/4 c apricots
1 mango
2 apples cut up into about 20 pieces
1 handful of spinach
1/2 c kifer (beginners get 3/4 a cup)
1 T Protein powder
1 cup pumpkin sliced up small
1 t chia seeds
Put this all into the blender and whiz

1 Pomegranate (no skin or white stuff)
2 apples
1 orange
1 handful of washed spinach
1/2 c kefir
1 t chia
1 T protein powder
put all of the above in the blender
3 carrots
2 cups pumpkin
1 celery
put these in the Champion and then put into the blender and whiz
this makes about 14 oz

Carrots juice is one of the most popular juice because it is delicious on its own. It sweet flavor makes it valuable addition to cover the many vegetable tastes.
2 carrots has 4 times the amount of Vit A recommended daily allowance. One carrot a day has been studied to cut the rate of lung cancer in half.

4 oranges without peel cut up into blender
1 apple cut up
(I use frozen apples from my tree last summer the ice adds to the
Orange Julius taste)
1/2 cup flavored kefir
1 t. chia
2 carrots
2 X 4 amount of red or green cabbage
2 c pumpkin without peel
Put the 3 veggies though the Champion and toss the pulp
add the juice to the blender and Whiz
now stop the blender and add 1 raw egg
turn the blender to low and whiz this briefly as not to denature the protein
in the end
and drink This makes about 14 oz and is very sweet.

I buy cranberries in the bad and store them in the freeze for all year.
I love their tartness and they are great for keeping your kidneys infection free.

1 c raw cranberries
1 apple
1 orange
1/2 to 3/4 c flavored kifer
1 t chia
1 T protein powder
put all the above in the blender
1 carrot
2 x 4 cabbage
1 stalk celery
2 c pumpkin
juice the last four and combine in the blender and whiz

I use this when somebody has an upset tummy or nausea
John gets kidney stone pain occasionally and this works wonders

1 inch fresh ginger ( This can be juiced or just grated)
Juice of 1 lemon without the rind
2 apple cut up
1 t ground ginger
Whiz in the blender and add
8oz of sparkling water

Juice of 1 lemon (Im a lemon lover you might not like it with this much zip)
1 tomato
1 apple cut up
1 bunch of spinach
1 t chia
1 T protein powder
1/2 to 3/4 cup flavored kefir
put all this in the blender
2 carrots
2 celery
2 c pumpkin
put these in the Champion and then add the juice to the blender toss the pulp.

Just after the first of the year Avocado's go on sale for 3/$100
This is a great time to experiment with them.
You can add 1/2 an avocado to any smoothie and just make it smoother
Avocado is full of omega 3's and you need this everyday for quick memory
so feel free to plop one in and enjoy it

1/2 medium soft Avocado
1 apple
1 orange
1/2 c kefir
1 t chia
1 T protein powder
1 c strawberries
put this all in a blender and whiz
2 carrots
2 c pumpkin
1/4 of a cucumber with the peel removed
Champion juice these and pour the liquid in the blender and toss the pulp
This will make about 14 oz.

4 oz of fennel (1/2small or 1/4 large bulb and it has a mild licorice flavor)
It should be bought with the bulb and stems attached. It should look fresh looking like celery. Slice the bulb and the chop it into chunks. Fennel in the Yugoslavian household is used to treat an upset tummy.
3 apples
1/2 c kefir
1 t chia
1 T protein powder
but this all in the blender
2 c pumpkin cut real small
3 carrots
1 celery
Juice the last 3 foods and toss the pulp and put the juice into the blender, whiz

Jicama Jig
1 Jicama sliced into strips (this is very strong and can't juiced by itself)
2 apples
1 orange
1 handful of washed spinach
1/2 c kifer
1 t chia
put the above in the blender
then in the Champion juice the apple and put the pulp and juice into the blender
4 apples
Then juice the veggies and toss the pulp and put the juice in the blender
5 carrots
2 celery

When Summer comes and my zucchini plant is producing -- I would just switch out
the pumpkin

Pick a recipe and give it a try
Remember if you don't like that fruit toss it out and pick one you do
(you don't get that option with veggies -- just give them a try - you
might be shocked and like it)
If you don't need fiber don't add it.......
Be flexable and have fun.........holly

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