Friday, January 7, 2011

#24 Fruit juice VS fruit

Which has more liquid light? A Red Twinkie or a Red Apple?
Could you explain why to a child --- in easy kids terms?

Kids Eat With Their Eyes.........
There are now 320,000 processed foods and beverages competing for your food dollars; 116,000 of them have been introduced since 1990. On top of that, thirty billion has been spent to market them to your children. It's sad that more money is spent on advertising than on education in our country. You might be surprised at what the National Geographic is teaching our kids about life. Its advertisers are Twinkies, M&M’s, Frosted Flakes, Fruitloops, and Hostess Cup Cakes. We all know that our kids are constantly getting taught compulsive habits and mis-information though our media. In our family we passed on our good habits as well as our bad habits. CA-CHING Somebody is making $, but it is not you. How can we teach our kids about healthy nutrition ?

Easy As A Traffic Light…
Imagine your sitting at an intersection in your car. Looking up at the Traffic light, Red means stop, yellow is caution and green means go. It is the same with Traffic Raw Liquid Light Nutrition. With this concept, we can teach our children about food.

Red reflects foods to avoid -- * most of the time
Can you make a better choice?
Yellow means eat in moderation-Is this wise for you to eat right now?
Green means eat all you want

Raw Liquid Light For Kids
Is a traffic light concept simple enough to understand?
We want to use the traffic light idea to teach kids when we go into the store. All the repacked processed foods are in bight red packages. Chips, cookies, and candy are all pretty much in red packages. So according to the raw liquid light traffic cop, red means stop evaluate this food. Can you make a better choice? Red tomatoes and bell peppers are not on the bad list they just are an exception.


Captain Raw L.L. Light says “Any food like red tomatoes and red bell peppers that were green when they were younger, have only grown up and turned red – they are Ok to eat. Red breakfast cereal would not be ok – it has always been red. An example of yellow would be cheese- it should be eaten with moderation. Any food such as yellow- off-white rice, yellow - white noodles, yellow–white bread are all eaten with moderation. If it is a yellow squash or yellow pear -- it was green when it was younger, and now when it is old and it has turned yellow -- it is Ok now.

Green – You Can Go For It
Do not make this difficult. It can be taught to a pre-school child.
All foods that are green at anytime in their life are OK to eat.
Green grapes, green salad, green peppers are all OK.

Beginner Smoothie For Kids
This quick blender smoothie tastes great. It’s easy and fast to make and the kids can do it all by themselves. Starting with a big handful of Spinach - smash it into the bottom of a blender. Next cut a skinny six inch green zucchini squash into six pieces. Toss it into the blender after washing it. Then pour in one cup of kefir, yogurt, juice, or water. Wiz the spinach, liquid and zucchini until smooth. Next, add one orange peeled no seeds, one half a lemon peeled, and an apple cut up into many pieces (after eating the peel.) If it is the season, 4 or 6 big red strawberries add some nice sweetness. All these fruits were green when they were little, making them OK for raw smoothies.

Wiz to perfection. At this point, you can add protein powder. This might make enough for two smaller kids, as it is about 18 ounces.
This is all done in the blender making it thick and smooth like an ice-cream shake. The kids will be impressed. ( you can make it more like a soft ice cream shake by adding
six, 1 inch pieces of frozen banana )

Lets compare foods eaten for breakfast by kids
a Liquid Light Smoothie has 373 calories

One blue berry muffin and 1 c 2% milk has 680 calories.
6 light waffles with sugar free syrup and 1 cup 2% milk has 670 calories
1 buttered bagel and 1 cup 2% milk has 780 calories
One raspberry fruit tart and 1 cup 2% milk has 530 calories
6 doughnut holes and 1 cup 2% milk has 550 calories
1 cup granola and 1 cup 2% milk has 490 calories
1 McDonald's sausage burrito and 1 cup 2% milk has 960 calories
1 Sausage Egg/Cheese McGriddle and 1 cup 2% milk has 1490 calories

Kids (and big kids) love chocolate

Lets give them what they love. Cocoa helps limit the buildup of plaque in the arteries by lowering LDL cholesterol. And raising the HDL cholesterol levels. Studies demonstrate the power of chocolate to inhibit blood platelet activity and limit clotting the same sort of thing that an aspirin does and to keep the blood vessel relaxed and dilated thus helping to maintain a healthy blood flow.

1 cup strawberries
2 -3 T cocoa
1 apple cut up small
1 orange rind removed cut up
1/2 flavored kefir
1/2 of a 6 in zucchini sliced thinly
handful of spinach
whiz in the blender

Cocoa is good but not dutch cocoa is processed with an alkali that actually destroys the flavonols. So try adding a teaspoon of cocoa to your coffee. Or cocoa to your breakfast oatmeal or to your rice /milk custard breakfast

So, What Is For Dessert Mom?
2 cup natural soy ice cream
1 mango, in chunks
2 tablespoon lemon juice
6 softened dates
1/4 teaspoon fresh cardamom, ground
1/4 of a zucchini cut into small pieces
2 tablespoon chia whole seeds
Whiz in the blender for 20 seconds, and serve.

Bottled – Concentrated Or Raw: Does It Matter?
Raw juice from Raw Liquid Light Smoothie, are not like the dead MHz processed varieties you find at the grocery store. Raw juice is Therapeutic. (Builds health) It requires no effort for the body to digest. Juice you buy at the store is processed and pasteurized by law. Cooked or pasteurized by law. This means that it has been exposed to high temperatures and most of the vitamins and enzymes have been killed. Proteins found in store juice have become strange denatured and abnormal.
The reason for this emphasis on whole fruits versus fruit juices is simple: regardless of the fruit and regardless of the method used for juicing, the most diverse and intact collection of nutrients comes to you through the whole fruit!

The edible skins of apples, apricots, blueberries, figs, grapes, pears, plums, prunes, raisins, raspberries, and strawberries - are all sites of important biological activity in the life of the fruit. The skin is one of the places where the fruit interacts with sunlight, and forms a variety of colored pigments that absorb different wavelengths of light. These pigments, including carotenoids and flavonoids, are well researched as nutrients that protect our health and nourishment. The skins of whole fruits like grapes have actually been studied for their ability to help lower risk of cancer and help provide protection from ultraviolet light.

Unfortunately, when fruits are juiced, we don't always get to enjoy the fruit's skin. That is because many juicing processes remove the skin, and do not allow for its full benefits to get into the juice.

In addition to the skin, which is an important source of fiber in most fruits, the pulpy part of the fruit is also a source of fiber (and other nutrients). Orange juice makes a good example of the health difference when you focus on the issue of its pulp. The white pulpy part of the orange is the primary source of its flavonoids. The juicy orange-colored sections of the orange contain most of its vitamin C. In the body, flavonoids and vitamin C often work together, and support health through their interaction. When the pulpy white part of the orange is removed in the processing of orange juice, the flavonoids in the orange are lost in the process. This loss of flavonoids is one of the many reasons for eating the orange in its whole food form (even if you only end up eating a little bit of the white pulpy part). Although many commercial products will say "pulp added" on their labels, the "pulp added" many not even be the original pulp found in the whole fruit, and it is highly unlikely to be added back in the amount removed.

OJ is nothing but PURE
Fruit juice elevates blood sugar more quickly than whole fruit, and the level of sugar that can be obtained from fruit juice is higher than the level found in whole fruit. For example, 120 calories' worth of whole apples contains about 24 grams of sugar, while 120 calories' worth of apple juice contains about 30 grams. If a juice at the store has a shelf life of 60 days you know that the original fruit that made it has been greatly manipulated.

OJ is de-oxidized, watered down and the sugared up
Most of the OJ comes from Brazil where there are different regulations about herbicides and pesticides. To store it for long transport the orange is stripped of all its oxygen and then heated to 185 degrees quickly. With the flavor and orange taste all gone the manufactures have to put back the taste. This is done with a synthetic chemical called ethel buterade. Many other fragrance and flavor packs are injected to get the liquid back to get the right color and taste.

Homework Assignment #1 Make a beginner blender shake
BAM Food Industry Lies have been broken.
Never buy concentrated pasteurized orange juice -- it has NO enzymes, or vitamins.
FACT USDA laws require 100% orange juice to be only 10% OJ

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