The American Dietetic Association thinks you should be able to use any kind of non-calorie sweetener in any amount , at any time of the day so that you can increase the pleasure in your food without increasing the calories. I don't agree. It is best to avoid all no-calorie sweeteners, because they communicate to the receptors on you taste buds and numb them out. This skews taste so that the true full signal at future meals in now distorted and thus more calories are eaten. Lets point out that the ADA receives large amount of funding from fast-food agribusiness. Moderation not deprivation in the key. By using no-calorie sugars you have become a pawn in the game of profits at the expense of your health. Anything that controlls your brain makes you an addict and it becomes very had to be normal again. If you continue to ingest sweet tasting food in inappropriate amounts between meals your going to gain weight and be hungry all the time.
Say What? It Is All About Choosing Life
The easy choice will be a radiant high-octane life full of bursts of energy, the ability to loose weight painlessly and the addition of ten years to you life. Americans Love To Hear Good Things About Bad Habits. I was at a restaurant recently and looked at the menu with astonishment. The Pasta Primavera was marked with a big red star that told me that it was “Low Carb.” How could it be? The massive plate was totally pasta topped with vegetables. Just deception ala-cart. I have seen low carb bread. Of course, it was totally carbs. It's what people want. Diet books are the hottest thing on the market. This is just samples of the current state of nutritional awareness.
Americans Spend 42 Minutes A Day Cooking And 8 Cleaning Up
Consider some recent research on the links between cooking and dietary health. A 2003study by a group of Harvard economists led by David Cutler found that the rise of food preparation outside the home could explain most of the increase in obesity in America. Mass production has driven down the cost of many foods, not only in terms of price but also in the amount of time required to obtain them. The French fry did not become the most popular “vegetable” in America until industry relieved us of the considerable effort needed to prepare French fries ourselves. Similarly, the mass production of cream-filled cakes, fried chicken wings and taquitos, exotically flavored chips or cheesy puffs of refined flour, has transformed all these hard-to-make-at-home foods into the sort of everyday fare you can pick up at the gas station on a whim and for less than a dollar. The fact that we no longer have to plan or even wait to enjoy these items, as we would if we were making them ourselves, makes us that much more likely to indulge impulsively.
Cutler and his colleagues demonstrate that as the “time cost” of food preparation has fallen, calorie consumption has gone up, particularly the consumption of junk food. They found that when we don’t have to cook meals, we eat more of them: as the amount of time Americans spend cooking has dropped by about half, the number of meals Americans eat in a day has climbed; since 1977, we’ve added approximately half a meal to our daily intake. Cutler and his colleagues also surveyed cooking patterns across several cultures and found that obesity rates are inversely correlated with the amount of time spent on food preparation.
The more time a nation devotes to food preparation at home, the lower its rate of obesity. In fact, the amount of time spent cooking predicts obesity rates more reliably than female participation in the labor force or income. Other research supports the idea that cooking is a better predictor of a healthful diet than social class: a 1992 study in The Journal of the American Dietetic Association found that poor women who routinely cooked were more likely to eat a more healthful diet than well-to-do women who did not.
So cooking matters — a lot. Which when you think about it, should come as no surprise. When we let corporations do the cooking, they’re bound to go heavy on sugar, fat and salt; these are three tastes we’re hard-wired to like, which happen to be dirt cheap to add and do a good job masking the shortcomings of processed food. And if you make special-occasion foods cheap and easy enough to eat every day, we will eat them every day. The time and work involved in cooking, as well as the delay in gratification built into the process, served as an important check on our appetite. Now that check is gone, and we’re struggling to deal with the consequences.
Live longer
Look and feel younger
Have more energy
Helps Lose weight
Lowers your blood cholesterol
Prevents and even reverse heart disease
Lower the risk of prostrate, breast and other cancers
Prevents and treat diabetes
Preserves your eyesight
Keeps your bones strong
Help avoid stroke
Prevents kidney stones
Alleviate constipation
Lowers your blood pressure
Avoid Alzheimer’s
These are only some of the benefits of the liquid light vegetables and fruits. They all can be yours. The price? Simply changing your diet. It’s never been so straightforward and easy. Just replace animal food with fruit and vegetables. It is easy to achieve profound benefits within the week.
Principle #1
Nutrition is a combination of real food. The whole is greater
than the sum of its parts (quantum physics 2 + 2 = 16)
Principle #2
Vitamins supplements don’t work. People that want to continue eating their customary foods and pop a few pills will not get better. Consumers have been duped by multi-billion dollar industry.
Principle #3
Plants provide nutrients better than animal nutrients.
Plants have dramatically more antioxidants, fiber, and minerals
than animal food. Animal food, on the other hand has much more cholesterol and fat.
Principle #4
Genes do not determine disease on their own. Genes function only by being activated or expressed, nutrition plays a critical role in determining which genes, good, and bad, are expressed.
Much of the hype on genes is for the fear factor. Genes are never fully expressed all at one time. Much of the time they are biochemically dormant and they do not effect your health. They don’t do anything. Dozens of studies have shown that as people migrate to a new country they assume the disease risk of the new country to which they do not change their genes.
Principles #5
Nutrition can substantially control the adverse effects of chemicals. Nutrition primarily determines whether the disease will do it’s damage.
Principle #6
The same nutrition that prevents disease in its early stages can stop the disease in its later stages. Nutrition is your hope.
Principle #7
Drugs and Surgery don’t cure the diseases that kill most Americans
So many people believe that nothing can be done, this translates into the fatalistic notion that once you’re sick – it is over. Many studies show that cancer can be initiated into animals, with liquid light fruits and vegetables the cancer can be slowed, halted, and even reversed.
Raw Liquid Light diets reverse advanced heart disease,
Raw liquid Light diets help obese people reverse diabetes
An ounce of prevention does a pound of cure. Don’t give up.
Principle #8
Change takes strategizing -- you don’t fall into it by chance.
Many people attempt to transform dietary habits that are health robbing.
They fail for three reasons
Never start, just all talk.
Jump in over their heads (all or nothing mentality)
Successfully start and then old unwanted behaviors re-emerge.
Those that successfully adopted and maintained a new healthy eating lifestyle usually did so in stages over a period of time. They did so with gradual increments, rather than all at one. They start by developing a taste for new food combinations. They work at preparing and enjoying food that is more nutritious - they make it a habit. Progression in gradual increments is the key for establishing new routines. People who make too many changes too fast, greatly decreases the changes of being able to maintain them. The more committed and specific you are about what actions you are going to take, the more likely you will be to take them.
Have A Specific Plan And Follow It
You must have a plan and follow it, a plan that is specific to your personal needs. There is no one size fits all. What fits your life?
You must devise a plan that will work for you and then modify as you go along.
What Is Your Goal?
Write it here ____________________________________________
Five Sample Strategies That Work
Eat two large bowls of fresh vegetables a day
Eliminate one or more food this month (potato chips)
Eat nothing after 9 P.M. ---------- 7 PM
Eat four smoothies a week.
No Raw L.L. Cop red food for two weeks
Set action goals with an end date
Identify the top three realistic actions you will take.
Write down your plan and mark your calendar.
Incorporate planned indulgences. (Thanksgiving, Birthdays, and Christmas)
Get back on track when you do suffer setbacks.
Take three steps forward and two steps back to guarantee one forward.
Identify and circumvent potential pitfalls before you begin
Allow 7 days to withdraw from addictive food.
Allow 21 days to shift a habit.
Plan for a 1000 days to attain mastery over an issue
Acknowledge your efforts even if they are tiny
Raw Liquid Light Smoothies:
Have a corupopia of fresh fruits and vegetables
Provide a powerhouse of unending energy
Decrease intake of high fructose corn syrup
Helps you avoid food with health claim labels that are processed
Focus on anti-immflammatory foods that are dark reds and deep greens
Provides more high frequency foods to empower your energy
Give Chlorophyll to control free radical damage and toxins
Include foods that detoxify such as cruciferous vegetables
Awards enzymes to help your body efficiently function
Add high fiber food to stabilize blood sugar by slowing down absorption
Increase and support healthy lower bowel
Help increase omega-3's for your short term memory
Helps decrease omega-6's -- cutting the chance of heart attack in third
Use low glycemic nuts to decrease insulin release
It’s a simple change and a fabulous solution
Help you avoid wheat, corn for gluten intolerance and weight loss
Stop processed junk food snacking
Are antioxidant powerhouses
Increase leaves and decreases seeds
Decrease animal products intake
No empty promises every one of these is power packed with hope. Take a chance, make a decision to try smoothies for a month. So why not take action today and enjoy the health, the body, and the vitality that you want!
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