Yo Quiero Fiber -- not Taco Bell
The Department of Agriculture analyzed twenty fruits and found that 90 percent of the antioxidant activity was in the juice, rather than the fiber. Your energy is in the (Orange Julius tasting) juice. This is not to suggest you should replace all your veggies and fruits with juice. Juicing is a supplement to your diet, and you need the insoluble fiber from whole plants as well. Nevertheless, juicing is a fantastic way to pack in more vegetables than you would ordinarily eat in a quick, fabulous Orange Julius meal.
Fiber and Horse Power
Your mother told you to eat fiber, but could she be wrong when it comes to fast energy? Drinking fresh, fiber-free juice (particularly on an empty stomach) eliminates strain on the digestive tract. The juicer has already done most of the digestion work for you, having separated the fiber from the juice. Without fiber to digest, the juice can be efficiently shuttled into your bloodstream within 30 minutes. The beauty of this efficiency is that the nutrients have practically no time to degrade. The best vitamin and mineral complement to a whole food diet is plenty of freshly extracted vegetable juice.
Although some people refer to high-powered blenders as “juicers,” blenders retain the fiber, whereas juicers are specially designed to separate the fiber, leaving only a liquid packed with nutrients. When the juice is separated from the pulp, you can easily consume a much larger volume of vegetables than you could by drinking a smoothie containing pulp. For example, if you blend a smoothie, you may include up to 7 leaves of kale along with some fruit. Those 7 leaves of kale will yield only about 1.5 oz of juice. Since we can easily drink an 8 oz serving of juice, the volume of concentrated nutrients available in 8 oz of vegetable juice would be much greater than a large smoothie containing just 1.5 oz of juice.
Both blended smoothies and freshly extracted vegetable juices offer bountiful nutrients and enzymes. But they are definitely not the same thing. Why not eat the whole plant, yes do that the rest of the day? Many of our recipes are done in the blender where you will get the whole plant.... You need it absolutely as an intestinal broom. ( you need a total of 5 vegetables and 4 fruits everyday) Nevertheless, the digestive processes required to separate the mineral elements from the fibers involves labor and hours of digestion.
Pulp roughage and animal products requires energy to digest and metabolize. The digestive tract uses about 65% of what you just ate from breakfast, for fuel to digest itself. You get the leftover -- 35%. I need all the energy I can get in the morning -- so I make the choice to use my Champion juicer -- to juice.
For lunch I have a smoothie. One trick I do to save time is I make a double batch of
my breakfast juice. BUT -- I save the pulp and add it into the juice for lunch making it a smoothies. I like apple peels and other pulps. That way I have concentrated juice for breakfast and a pulpy smoothie for lunch -- but I only have to make one batch when I am in a hurry before work. Cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg and cardamom add spice to the afternnon lunch batch to give it a change in taste. I might add alot more kefir to the 1/2 that will turn into my lunch.
Juicing is great for delivering concentrated nutrients to the cellular level, but juicing does not replace the need for salads and smoothies. A well-rounded diet of whole foods packed with fiber is foundational to a healthy diet. Smoothies, blended soups, and blended salads are excellent ways to get a variety of raw, whole foods into your daily routine. Because they are filling and substantial due to their fiber content, they help curb the desire for an overabundance of cooked food. If we consume both blended foods and low fiber juices, we are receiving the best.
Juicing has the power to break down the cellular structure of raw vegetables and assimilate the precious elements they contain. If you healthy you uptake about 35% of the food you just ate. If your unhealthy you may only absorb a fraction - down to 1%. In the form of juices, these same unhealthy individuals may assimilate up to 92% of these elements.” So with a juicer you take an ordinary carrot and turn him into a Clark Kent super sized carrot.
Do You Need Premium Rocket Fuel For Your Day? If your have eaten carb junk foods, digestion may take 95% of that breakfast’s available food energy. That leaves you 5% for energy the rest of the morning. A huge Thanksgiving feast can actually exhaust your body because digesting takes a long time and tons of energy. That is why you need a nap afterwards. On a work morning, you need a jump-start. 5% is not enough to get you going, and I do not want to share my morning energy with my digestive tract.
Speaking of fiber, you might be surprised to know that juice actually contains some fiber—of the soluble variety. Soluble fiber is present in juice in the form of pectin, gums, and mucilage. This soluble fiber helps lower your cholesterol, stabilizes blood sugar, and encourages good bowel bacteria.
Many of the Liquid Light blender smoothies have fiber available if you want it. Fiber helps you loose wight. The reason is simply that fiber has bulk and takes up space in the intestine: you feel satisfied and full, tend to eat less and therefore taking in fewer calories. Veggies are low in calories and require more chewing and simply digest slowly. All these factors help to diminish you caloric intake and result in weight loss.
Any smoothie recipe in this book will contain between 25 and 30 grams of fiber and will meet you recommended daily requirements. All the rest of your food during the day will be a bonus. The foods with an * in the chart below are all common in my smoothies
Lets look at the advantage that vegetables and fruit have VS processed food
Wendy's Egg Sausage Burrito 1 gram
1 banana * 3 grams
McDonalds steak egg cheese Bagel 3 grams
McDonalds sausage McMuffin 3 grams
1 tablespoon flax seeds* 4 grams
1 cup raw pumpkin* 4 grams
1 cup zucchini * 4 grams
1 orange * 4 grams
1 cup spinach* swiss chard or kale* 5 grams
1 apple * 5 grams
1 cup carrots * 5 grams
1 cup mango * 7 grams
1 cup blue berries * 7 grams
1 c coconut * 8 grams
1 cup of strawberries* 8 grams
McDonald's hot cakes 11 grams
Wendy's Baja Salad 12 grams
1 avocado* 17 grams
1/2 oz. of chia seed* 30 grams
1 cup apricots* 30 grams
Lets evaluate the average Liquid light smoothie -- this one contains
1 cup apricots -- 30 grams
1/2 oz chia seeds -- 30 grams
1 apple -- 5 grams
1 c swiss chard -- 5 grams
1 T. flax -- 4 grams
The grand Total si 74 grams
and 1 cup juiced carrots that have 5 grams of fiber but because we juiced it we are leaving that out most of our total .
The recommended amount is how much??
30 grams we are way over!!
Are you yawning at 10 AM, looking at the clock wondering how much longer till lunch? Heavy carb breakfasts are not for race horse champions, Have you had mis-information when it comes to energy food? The truth will set your body free. No more 10 A.M. blues. Do you know what chia seeds are? The next exercise we will learn about these
little power houses do for you!
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